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(Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half)


In this lecture we come to the Catholic version of Tragedy and Hope the overlooked geopolitical tome of Malachi Martin, Keys of This Blood: John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order. Almost as revelatory as Dr. Quigley’s magnum opus, this angle looks at the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and its infiltration by Satanic and Masonic Groups. While it is tempting, as Martin would like us to accept, that this was directed by “Moscow,” the real “Illuminati” are even admitted and identified in much the same manner as in my 16 hour Tragedy and Hope talks. This is the first free half, while the fill talk can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the PayPal links. You can also purchase my best selling book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.

Stream or Download Free Half Here

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

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JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


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CIA Ecumenism & Religious Liberty Are the Statist Sex Cult of Jeroboam


If you like this analysis, purchase my best selling book here, SIGNED!

By: Jay Dyer

American churchianity, and the West in general, are a giant atheism factory.  The clowns and carnival barkers that make up the “religious establishment” are some of the worst human beings imaginable.  Don’t misunderstand me – this isn’t the diatribe of some rebellious teen fresh off of my first copy of a Nietzsche text, these are the experiences of someone who has spent decades in these various sects and congregations.   The rot of these institutions has many sources, the more theological of which, I outlined in my popular video on the Decline of the West.

As I’ve mentioned, the mass promotion of atheism lacks the power of any real hold on man’s heart because man is a god-worshipping being.   For the classical American Protestant, for example, the Constitution becomes the new inspired text, the “founding fathers” become the new church fathers, America becomes the new “city on a hill” slash mystical body of Christ, and the “invisible hand” of the free market is the new divine providence.   For the modern “rational atheist,” Darwin becomes a new prophet with the scientific method transfigured into mythic grand narrative and its attendant priesthood of inaccessible lab coat hierarchs.  Under the guise of reason and science, scientism actually becomes a halfway house to the most bizarre, state-funded fringe cult ideologies and false mysticism expressed UFO cults, new age movements, transhumanism, paganism, Odinism, Crowleyanism, U.N.-based ecumenism and countless other man-made concoctions.

The importance of the big theological issues cannot be overlooked precisely because they are what give rise to the philosophical changes, which then lead to the societal alterations.   I have discussed many times how the empirical aspects of Thomism’s analogia entis laid the groundwork for a ‘god’ whose “created effects” alone could be ascertained in “knowing Him,” while 500 years later, this Unknown God’s creaturely shells logically led to the shedding of the hidden, and the deification of the natural world itself.  Why posit the empirical claim that this deity “exists” when he is perpetually concealed behind these supposed causal chains?  Why not just say what is, is the causal chain itself?   Isn’t this more faithful to the naive empirical enterprise?  It’s only a hop, skip and a jump from there to the Enlightenment experiment known as “America.”

American masonic state cult cathedral with the Apotheosis of St. George Washington.

While these debates were had between Eastern and Western theology hundreds of years ago, our day is one dominated by this same root notion, of bare, neutral, “empirical facts.”  As Bertrand Russell noted, our era is dominated by the Scientific Outlook.  For most, these developments constitute “progress,” one of the many unquestioned and empty slogans of the revolutionary periods, followed by “liberty” and “equality,” the new conceptual gods beyond question or analysis.  We think of these experiences as new, and unique to the modern world because they are attended with iPhones and smart cars, but these experiences are ancient.  The usage of espionage, sexual liberation and “scientific,” regal subterfuge are key aspects of the historical books of the Bible – of which modern churchianity is largely oblivious.

As a result, the numerous apostate churches and sects, especially in America, become monstrous hybrids of something resembling the skeletal remains of ancient Christianity combined with the utterly incompatible and undefined new gods of our age.   It’s comparable to the age of Israel under Jeroboam and Rehoboam, where the kingdom was divided due to Jeroboam’s creation of a new, state controlled syncretistic cult where both Jehovah and the golden calves (and eventually Baal) were all placed on equal footing under the new laws of religious liberty that replaced God’s Law.  As the entire history of the Law and prophets show, this “progressive” state religion of Jeroboam led to the sexual revolution of the introduction of male cult prostitutes and the eventual collapse of the nation state.   It’s almost like Jeroboam was running and controlling Freemasonry – the origins of modern “religious liberty.”

Most would balk at the wisdom found here, yet how perceptive and wise were the prophets in foreseeing this – that Jeroboam’s revolution itself was a state-funded facade.   In history and geopolitical analysis, we often speak of courtly intrigues and sabotage, espionage and a hundred other facets of the period of modern revolutions, but rarely do we consider the biblical approach to the norm – that the state and its state cultus – were often conspiring.  Recently rereading 1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings, I was struck at how perennial the problems of man seem to be.  Jeroboam, the apostate ruler who would become the first king of the schismatic northern tribes of Israel, was an exceedingly keen state operator.  Jeroboam realized the location of the approved temple worship in Jerusalem in Judah would be a problem for the consolidation of power, which led to his creation of new temple sites at Bethel and Dan (in his domain).  The institution of Jeroboam’s revolutionary esoteric cult is instructive:

Icon of Prophet Samuel.

“Jeroboam’s Gold Calves

25 Then Jeroboam built Shechem in the mountains of Ephraim, and dwelt there. Also he went out from there and built Penuel. 26 And Jeroboam said in his heart, “Now the kingdom may return to the house of David: 27 If these people go up to offer sacrifices in the house of the Lord at Jerusalem, then the heart of this people will turn back to their lord, Rehoboam king of Judah, and they will kill me and go back to Rehoboam king of Judah.”

28 Therefore the king asked advice, made two calves of gold, and said to the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem. Here are your gods, O Israel, which brought you up from the land of Egypt!” 29 And he set up one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan. 30 Now this thing became a sin, for the people went to worship before the one as far as Dan. 31 He made shrines on the high places, and made priests from every class of people, who were not of the sons of Levi.

32 Jeroboam ordained a feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves that he had made. And at Bethel he installed the priests of the high places which he had made. 33 So he made offerings on the altar which he had made at Bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised in his own heart. And he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense.” (1 Kings 12)

The orthodox form of worship was at Jerusalem, the City of David, and it was David’s descendants who were to be the royal dynasty.  In Jeroboam’s revolution, we can discern numerous parallels to the problems of our day, and one of the more subtle is the fact that previous to this (verses 12-15) Jeroboam’s revolution began with terror.   As with many revolutionary movements, terrorism and psychological warfare become the means of social conditioning to prepare the masses for the acceptance of a new leadership, which promises greater freedom, while simultaneously threatening the most tyrannical measures of dominance.  Jeroboam threatens Israel with extreme slave labor while also promising them a new state religious cult based around ritual cultic sex magick and ceremonial prostitution (as we learn later in the period under Ahab and Jezebel).  This new state religion also included the appointing of state agents, spies and operatives as “priests” of the new cult, as we see in verses 31-32 (a very similar scheme had also occurred in the period of the Judges in chapters 17-18).

Kingdom era and the divided period.

Having been given the freedom from slavery the Israelites bore under the long Egyptian sojourn, a few generations later they were craving the religious symbols of Egypt, the golden calves Aaron had made to give the Israelites a god they could see and control – an idol (Ex. 32).  With rapacious cunning, Jeroboam had centralized his power base and utilized the technique of doublethink by giving Israel a new national symbol – an idolatrous image of their freedom and liberation from Egypt – that now stood for sexual liberation.  At the same time as giving Israel a new sex cult for control through base desires, Jeroboam terrorized Israel by promising arduous slave labor.  The irony here is Jeroboam has become a new Pharaoh, golden calves and all!

In our day, the new state cult takes many forms, and is not merely an orgy cult in D.C. (though that obviously exists).  For the Americanized evangelical dupe reading these passages, the source of the problem would be located in the state itself – the government.  This Americanist libertarian presupposition is obviously utterly foreign to biblical religion which, throughout the entire books of the kings (and a thousand other places) condemns Jeroboam’s heresy of religious liberty.   It is the presupposition of placing Jehovah on the same level as Baal and Ashtoreth from which one may freely choose like a buffet that is the root of the apostasy of Jeroboam.   Indeed, the entire ethos of America is built on the false presupposition that religious liberty means the freedom to erect a tax free religious cult for Jesus, Satan or even a hybrid of both like Charles Manson proffered.   The Ten Commandments, which I hope some believers might be aware of, actually forbids absolute religious liberty – you shall have no other gods.

The biblical position, and what would eventually become the norm for the first millennium of Christianity, is the Christianization of the Empire.   As prophesied in Daniel and Isaiah, the nations were to be converted by the Messiah and integrated into his kingdom, the Orthodox Church.  The state, as an institution, is put in its proper place as subordinate to the judgment of the Church, and even derives its authority from her (the classical doctrine of the anointing of kings and emperors).   These notions are so utterly foreign to America that is it truly miraculous when anyone comes to understand these fundamentals of classical Orthodox theology.   One can only read the decrees and letters of the Seventh Ecumenical Council, for example, and its divine praise for the “God-ordained Orthodox Emperor” with amazement, given how foreign this idea is to even American so-called “Orthodox” (who often differ from their Protestant and Catholic co-religionists only in costume).

Anointing of an Orthodox Ruler.

The problem is not an external institution, as both the state apparatus and the religious cultus under the various phases of Israel’s history often apostatized.  Even before the era of the kings, apostasy was rampant in the period of the Judges and the lack of a king is cite as at least part of the source of Israel’s religious relativism: “There was no king in those days, and everyone did what was right in their own eyes” (Judges 17:6, 21:25).  It should also be added the indictment of Israel’s call for a king is not based on the inherent defect of monarchy itself, but because they cried for a king “like the other nations” (1 Sam. 8:5).  In fact, the promise of a royal dynasty from which the Messiah would come was already promised in Genesis 49:10.

The root of the problem for Israel was the collapse of the true religion, the church, and as a result the schismatic state of Jeroboam was able to concoct an intelligence operation based around his own Pharaonic control.  This is also why authentic Christianity, Orthodox Christianity, cannot rely on a state savior, be it Russia or anywhere else.  While it is true the state has a duty to protect and promote the true religion, it cannot be relied on as the savior.  The groundwork of transforming the hearts of the people is the first and foremost duty, and when the society becomes Orthodox, the state can be chrismated and held accountable for promoting Orthodoxy and banishing heresy and heretics.   For Orthodoxy to grow, the state agents and spies (who we know in many cases are operatives of NATO and western intelligence), their ecumenical internal destruction project must be rejected as modern forms of Jeroboaism.  Until this occurs (and it is beginning to), the churchianity of the West will remain an atheism factory.

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To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing signed copies of my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in FilmJaysAnalysis Podcast is also on iTunes and Stitcher.    JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

Purchase my book, Esoteric Hollywood by clicking the image!

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Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

JaysAnalysis has grown to become one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net, showcasing the talents of Jay Dyer, whose graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare.  Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, which made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category:


Known for his in-depth commentary, satire and celebrity impressions, Jay is the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast and Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive, as well as appearing on numerous nationally syndicated radio shows, such as Ground Zero and Coast to Coast AM, as well as TV shows like Buzzsaw with Sean Stone. 

Broaching subjects as wide as satire, metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature and history, as well as interviewing numerous prominent figures, Jay is academically published in peer review and has authored hundreds of articles already read by millions in just the past few years.  Jay Dyer has also co-created, written, and co-starred with Jay Weidner in a new television series titled Hollywood Decoded for Gaia based on his unique approach to film.

CIA/Color Revolutions, Rand Corp. Swarming & Minority Report Analysis – Jay Dyer


“The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief”-Jacques Ellul.”

Stream or download episode here

Season 2, Hoax Busters Call. All new season, all new episodes!

Ft. Lauderdale Shooting (Alleged), Esoteric Hollywood-Minority Report Analysis, Technocratic Takeover, Cashless Society, The Rise of the Cashless City, RAND Corporation Swarming Mobs of Adolescents, Color Revolutions, Pussy Riot, Weather Underground,Network(film), Brookings Institute’s Libya’s Test of the New International Order, Syrian Girl, Alexander Dugin, The Alt Right, Andy Nowicki.

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

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JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.

Purchase my book, Esoteric Hollywood by clicking the image!

JaysAnalysis on Stitcher:



The post CIA/Color Revolutions, Rand Corp. Swarming & Minority Report Analysis – Jay Dyer appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Jay Dyer Vs. Adam Kokesh Debate Tonight: "State or No State?"


Jay Dyer versus Adam Kokesh in a 2 hour formal setting of position, response, on the hosted by Spearhead Transmissions, Live-Streamed on YouTube.com and Audio via Alternate Current Radio Network.

Stream or download full audio here.

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

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JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


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The post Jay Dyer Vs. Adam Kokesh Debate Tonight: "State or No State?" appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Adam Kokesh and Jay Dyer Debate the State (FULL DEBATE HERE)


Jay Dyer versus Adam Kokesh in a 2 hour formal setting of position, response, on the hosted by Spearhead Transmissions, Live-Streamed on YouTube.com and Audio via Alternate Current Radio Network.

Stream or download full audio here.

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

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JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


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The post Adam Kokesh and Jay Dyer Debate the State (FULL DEBATE HERE) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

JaysAnalysis: Refuting Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought (Half)


Reflecting on the debate with Adam Kokesh and briefly replying to the hit piece written about me by a pathological skeptic, I give my response and launch into a lengthier critique of all modern revolutionary thought.   This critique analyzes the assumptions of all modern liberal (nominalist) positions, from Marxism to anarchism to fascism.  In hour two for subscribers I do a presuppositional critique of the nonsensical, somewhat famous essay of Umberto Eco on how to identify “fascism,” titled “Ur-Fascism.”   Many topics are covered, from Descartes to logical fallacies and meta-logic.  To hear the full lecture, subscribe at the PayPal links below.

Stream or Download the First Half Here

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

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JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


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Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

The post JaysAnalysis: Refuting Anarchism, Marxism & All Revolutionary Thought (Half) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Jay Dyer's Lecture Series on Plato's Republic (Free Halves)


Subscribe for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year for the full talks and lectures.

Subscribe for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links for full talks and lectures.

In this popular series from last year, I covered the entire book of Plato’s monumental Republic.  Arguably the most influential philosophy text of all time, the Republic demonstrates a city and state governed by the mystical and esoteric doctrines of Platonism and Pythagoreanism.  In these lectures, full subscribers get access to the full content MP3s.

Lecture 1: Bks. I-II Magical Rings and Secret Societies, YouTube Here – Half MP3 Here

Lecture 2: BK. III Music and Triadic Hierarchy: Subscription Only.

Lecture 3: BK. IV The Apollonian Mysteries, The Ideal State & Eugenics: Subscription Only

Lecture 4: Bk. V Secrets of the Elite – Half YouTube Here – Half MP3 Here 

Lecture 5: Bk. VI The Noetic Light of the Intelligible Sun – Half YouTube – Half MP3 Audio

Lecture 6: Bk. VII – Allegory of the Cave – Subscription Only.

Lecture 7: Bk. VIII – The Pythagorean City – Half YouTube Here

Lecture 8: Bks. IX-X – The Ancient Mysteries and Republic Overview – Subscription Only

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


JaysAnalysis on Stitcher:



Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

The post Jay Dyer's Lecture Series on Plato's Republic (Free Halves) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Fake News Madness Sale! Sunday Wire: Jay Dyer & Patrick Henningsen


Jay Dyer, Hesher and Patrick Henningsen cover the 21stCenturyWire Fake News Week, highlighting the MSM’s greater hits of total retardo deception and madman nonsense.

Stream or Download Here


Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


JaysAnalysis on Stitcher:



Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

The post Fake News Madness Sale! Sunday Wire: Jay Dyer & Patrick Henningsen appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Behind Flynn’s Removal: The Deep State War Against Trump, Russia & Sovereign Nations


Jay Dyer is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, as well as the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast/Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive. Jay’s work covers a wide variety of subjects, including metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature, and history.
Jay returns to Red Ice once again for a very timely conversation on current events, globalism, the deep state, and more. We begin by discussing the recent political assassination of Michael Flynn. Jay explains that there is an internal conflict within the deep state; one faction supports globalism, whereas the other supports nationalism. This leads to a closer look at what the deep state really is, and how Trump threatens this shadowy power structure. Later, we discuss fascism, which has been used as a bogeyman to scare people from tradition, natural order and hierarchy. Our show concludes with a few thoughts on the future of the Alt-Right.

Stream or Download Here


Globalism Is the Victory of Western Ideals

Purchase my book here.



To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing my book, Esoteric Hollywood at the links at the site.

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis for more by clicking on this image!

JaysAnalysis Podcast now on iTunes! Click the image.  JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

For full talks and lectures, subscribe to JaysAnalysis on PayPal here.


JaysAnalysis on Stitcher:



Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

The post Behind Flynn’s Removal: The Deep State War Against Trump, Russia & Sovereign Nations appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

(Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half)


In this lecture we come to the Catholic version of Tragedy and Hope the overlooked geopolitical tome of Malachi Martin, Keys of This Blood: John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order. Almost as revelatory as Dr. Quigley’s magnum opus, this angle looks at the Vatican’s role in 20th century geopolitics and its infiltration by Satanic and Masonic Groups. While it is tempting, as Martin would like us to accept, that this was directed by “Moscow,” the real “Illuminati” are even admitted and identified in much the same manner as in my 16 hour Tragedy and Hope talks. This is the first free half, while the fill talk can be obtained by subscribing to JaysAnalysis.com at the Purchase Membership link above. You can also purchase my best selling book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film in the Shop.

The post (Vid) Illuminati and Satanic Infiltration of the Vatican in Martin’s Keys of This Blood (Free Half) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Warski Live With Warski & Jay Dyer – Guest: Styx Abortion Debate FULL SHOW


In the first half of the show, Andy and I cover recent Marvel films Deadpool and Deadpool 2, and how the narrative includes the notion of a private super soldier / bio-enhancement program. In hour 2, Styx joins us for an impromptu debate on abortion, while an anarchist joins for a but to debate the role of the state.

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Purchase my book Here.

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Subscribe to get more: Only $4.95/mo full talks & audio interviews

Or subscribe yearly: $60.00 for full talks and audio interviews

To support my work, become a member at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month, or 60.00 a year, for my full talks and interviews, as well as purchasing signed copies of my book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults & Symbols in FilmJaysAnalysis Podcast is also on iTunes and Stitcher.    JaysAnalysis offers the first hour for free and the full talks and interviews as a subscription below.

Purchase my book, Esoteric Hollywood by clicking the image!

Order Hollywood Mind Control by Jamie Hanshaw here!

JaysAnalysis has grown to become one of the premier film and philosophy sites on the net, showcasing the talents of Jay Dyer, whose graduate work focused on the interplay of film, geopolitics, espionage and psychological warfare.  Jay is a public speaker, lecturer, comedian and author of the popular title Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film, which made it to Amazon’s No. 1 spot in its first month of release in the Film and Hollywood Category:
Known for his in-depth commentary, satire and celebrity impressions, Jay is the host of the JaysAnalysis Podcast and Esoteric Hollywood. He is also a regular contributor to 21stCenturyWire, Soul of the East and the Espionage History Archive, as well as appearing on numerous nationally syndicated radio shows, such as Ground Zero and Coast to Coast AM, as well as TV shows like Buzzsaw with Sean Stone. 

Broaching subjects as wide as satire, metaphysics, film analysis, theology, geopolitics, literature and history, as well as interviewing numerous prominent figures, Jay is academically published in peer review and has authored hundreds of articles already read by millions in just the past few years.  Jay Dyer has also co-created, written, and co-starred with Jay Weidner in a new television series titled Hollywood Decodedfor Gaia based on his unique approach to film.

Watch Hollywood Decoded Here!

The post Warski Live With Warski & Jay Dyer – Guest: Styx Abortion Debate FULL SHOW appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Jordan Peterson, BOOMERTARIANISM Refuted & The Traditional Antidote – Jay Dyer on Jefferson Lee


Jay Dyer is a writer, speaker and an overall renaissance man who possesses (arguably) the world’s greatest Alex Jones impression: Jefferson Lee and Jay discuss classical liberalism and modern proponents. His website, JaysAnalysis.com, is jam packed with a treasure trove of videos, lectures and essays on film, politics and philosophy. It is a fantastic resource for those of you looking to learn more about the world and smack down political/intellectual dolts in a debate.

Stream or Download Audio 

The post Jordan Peterson, BOOMERTARIANISM Refuted & The Traditional Antidote – Jay Dyer on Jefferson Lee appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted – Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer (Half)


Tonight I will cover a topic long-requested by followers – expand on refuting Protestantism. We have covered many aspects of Roman Catholicism, but what about the reformers? Do the problems in Rome vindicate Protestants? What about reformation principles compared to Orthodox theology? What about the “solas” as compared with Orthodox Tradition? The first half of this video will be public, while the second half will be for subscribers to JaysAnalysis.

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop

The post Protestantism & Evangelicalism Refuted – Orthodox Theology – Jay Dyer (Half) appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

CIA/Color Revolutions, Rand Corp. Swarming & Minority Report Analysis – Jay Dyer


Season 2, Hoax Busters Call. All new season, all new episodes!

Esoteric Hollywood-Minority Report Analysis, Technocratic Takeover, Cashless Society, The Rise of the Cashless City, RAND Corporation Swarming Mobs of Adolescents, Color Revolutions, Pussy Riot, Weather Underground,Network(film), Brookings Institute’s Libya’s Test of the New International Order, Syrian Girl, Alexander Dugin, The Alt Right, Andy Nowicki.

“The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief”-Jacques Ellul.”

Stream or download episode here. 

Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in the Shop



The post CIA/Color Revolutions, Rand Corp. Swarming & Minority Report Analysis – Jay Dyer appeared first on JaysAnalysis.com.

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